Moves 11th September

Beginner moves: 




Tips when doing these moves. 

The Octopus involves men changing places with the lady as she or he turns. Turn the lady, turn the man, turn the lady.

 Men make sure when doing the Wurlitzer that you face the lady as you step in to prepare the lady for the spin, also facing her as you push forward and down to turn the lady a quarter turn away from you. Always throw your hand across as waist height to spin the lady.When doing the Step Across, men turn 1/2 turn ACW as they step under their left arm.

When doing the Step Across, men turn 1/2 turn ACW as they step under their left arm.

Intermediate moves:




Tips when doing these moves

The Octopus Catapult involves the man stepping forward slightly to the left hand side as he raises both hands and changes places with the lady as he turns 1/2 turn ACW. Staying in close the man turns the lady a full turn CW with both hands, then still in close, turns 1/2 turn ACW so that his back is to her as he crosses his arms and places them on his shoulders. The moves finishes with a catapult.

The Wurlitzer Rotating Basket involves the man doing a normal Wurlitzer to beat 2 then on beat 3 he uses a bowling action to turn the lady ACW as he changes places with her on beat 4. The man then turns CW to face the lady and offers his right hand to her. The lady is wrapped in as for a basket and they rotate 1/2 turn CW for 1 beat after which the man raises his left hand to unwrap her. 

When doing the Return Walkaround the man starts to do a travelling return as he runs his right hand around the ladies waist, walking around her CW until she is at his RHS. They walk around CW and when he is ready, the man unwraps the lady with his left hand.

We really hope you enjoyed last weeks moves. Ask for help next week if you wish to recap them.


At Dance Verve we always incorporate two beginner moves and one intermediate move from the previous week's lesson, in order to refresh your last week's skills and to help you link them to new moves.

Remember to let us know if you have any feedback on the way we run the club and the music we play. All feedback, good or bad, is welcome, as we really want to make the club the best it can be for all our customers.

Jan & Mike

© Dance Verve Modern Jive 2013